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How much does it cost to get a piercing?Placement with surgical steel jewelry from $70.00 Placement with titanium jewelry from $110.00 Why leave? We have different models and prices of steel piercings, titanium and gold with different types of stones: zirconia, opal, onyx, crystal, pearl, swarovski, semi-precious and much more...
Como cuidar do meu piercingCuidados com seu piercing Oque você deve comprar! -Sabonete liquido de glicerina -Soro fisiológico -Cotonete -Algodão 1) Lave bem as mãos. 2)Com as mãos limpas, faça uma nova espuma e passe sobre o furo e a joia, movimente a joia e logo após enxague. 3)Coloque o soro fisiológico em um cotonete e limpe entre o furo e a joia dos dois lados retirando as casquinas. 4)Após a higienização faça compressa com algodão e soro fisiológico sobre seu piercing. OBS: -GUARDE O SORO FISIÓLOGICO NA GELADEIRA -FAÇA ESSE PROCEDIMENTO NO MAXIMO 2X POR DIA. -EVITE COMER FRITURAS, GORDURAS ALIMENTOS POCESSADOS, CARNE DE PORCO E CAMARÃO DURANTE O PERIODO DE CICATRIZAÇO -TEMPO DE CICATRIZAÇÃO NO MINIMO 2 MESES NAO COLOQUE A MÃO SUJA EM SEU PIERCING, 90% DAS INFLAMAÇOES COMEÇAM DESSA FORMA CASO TENHA ALGUM PROBLEMA COM SEU PIERCING ENTRE EM CONTATO IMEDIATAMENTE COM NOSSO WHATSAPP (21)96948-0570
What is the difference between surgical steel and titanium piercing?The piercings in titanium have some advantages, which are: it is lighter, more resistant, comfortable and almost without risk of allergic reactions to the human body because it does not contains nickel, that is, friends of the body. After the healing period, the chances of allergies or infections are much lower. Surgical steel piercings contain nickel (alloy that gives stainless steel resistance to rust and corrosion) a substance that, in some cases, can cause allergic reactions. Another disadvantage is the greater tendency to accumulate or disperse heat than titanium and gold. That is, in summer/heat it gets hotter and in winter/cold it gets colder, which can cause some kind of discomfort.
Which piercing hurts the least?Earlobe, lip, eyebrow and the piercing smiley. These parts of the body hurt less, due to the amount of skin in these regions. Soon, it will be more comfortable for you to drill.
Which piercing hurts the most?Daith, Microdermal, Nipple, Transverse are among the most painful piercings. These parts of the body hurt more, due to the sensitivity of the skin and thickness of the cartilage in these regions. Soon, it will be a little more uncomfortable for you to pierce your piercings.
How long does it take for a piercing to heal?Lip: 1 to 2 months; Language: 1 to 2 months; Cheek: 2 to 3 months; Piercing on the Targus (ear): 2 to 6 months; Lobe (ear): 1 to 3 months; Eyebrow, Septum: 4 to 6 months; Ear cartilage: 4 months to 8 months; Nose brim: 2 months to 6 months; Navel: 3 months to 6 months; Nipple: 4 months to 8 months; Remembering that this period of piercing healing can be longer or shorter, depending on the body and care of each person and how the body will react. The type of jewelry and material also greatly influence the healing process! Preferably to titanium piercings because they are lighter, more resistant, comfortable and almost risk-free to the human body as they do not contain nickel, that is, they are friendly to the body. In addition, they reduce the risk of allergic reactions. After the healing period, the chances of allergies or infections are much lower.
Can you pierce the same place a second time?If the previous piercing is not completely healed, it is not recommended to do a new piercing in the same place. In this case, it is always good to have a professional evaluation.
How much does a tattoo cost?In our studio from $120.00 Contact our team and get a quote!
O QUE E UM MICRO DERMALOs implantes transdérmicos, ou piercings dérmicos mais conhecidos como micro dermal, são uma forma de modificação corporal utilizada tanto no contexto médico quanto estético. Em ambos os casos, eles consistem em um objeto colocado parcialmente abaixo e parcialmente acima da pele.
Como funciona o processo de implante de Micro dermal?O microdermal é um micro implante. Não é feito nenhum procedimento cirúrgico, é um furo como o do piercing normal, só que ele não vai precisar sair. O piercing microdermal tem uma base, que é vazada, com dois furinhos, que vão ser preenchidos pela camada de gordura, que é o que vai dar a fixação nele.
Quanto tempo leva para cicatrizar um micro dermal?A cicatrização de um Micro Dermal leva entre 30 e 60 dias. Quem coloca o microdermal, pode, posteriormente, substituir o topo sem precisar remover a base, optando pela pedra de que mais goste, podendo variar em tamanhos e modelos diferentes.
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